I cultivated the habit of keeping a journal to detail the rich experiences I have been encountering from Girne to Lagos. However, militating circumstances have forced me to stop. I just couldn't keep on detailing the scenes I get to see playing themselves out as I travel in cars/buses, walk on the roads and atimes just stepping aside, watching people go by. What I see is like a movie playing out and me a dissatisfied spectator.
There is a frustration in everybody that you can almost touch. Everywhere is in darkness. I begin to wonder; how can you move forward in darkness? We seem to forget that a Nation in darkness is a nation in peril.
How can a nation that sets an unrealistic goal of being one of the top 20 economies in 10years from now not invest massively in the Power, Education and the Transport Sector?
Everywhere you go, people complain and grumble and more complains. You get to hear people proffering both workable and unrealistic solutions to the Nigerian problem.
Information flow is at its lowest ebb. Infact one can argue that information is not flowing. It took a long time for people to know that a new IG of Police had been appointed. How many even know his name?
Asides Nigerians who have access to Cyberspace, how many are informed about happenings as it happens or that affects the country?
Everything with a touch of goverment in them are in terrible states of dysfunctionality.
Nobody seems to care for the lot of the people.
The President would rather attend to his personal interests than to the welfare of the nation, leaving the country on "auto-cruise". Bo le baje, ko baje.*
Road networks are death traps. Seeing dead bodies on Nigerian highways are now common sights. Everybody just looks the other way.
Last saturday, I saw Federal Marshalls trying to arrest a driver whose boot was not properly closed while 15metres down the road, there was a bloated body of a human being.
Rail networks that can boost economic activities in the country are comatose. Officials of the NRC are content with collecting rent on properties around rail tracks than providing rail services.
There is still no reliable air transport network to all parts of Nigeria. The Murtala Mohammed Airport is now more of an eye-sore and only a tourist attraction to toddlers.
The situation currently in Nigeria makes one wonder whether contributing to Nation Development is really worth it. However, there is no other place to call home. Naija must be free from these shackles of oppression.
Who is the man to lead Nigeria from this abysmal depth of darkness, hopelessness and failure? Certainly not Yaradua.
*Bo le baje, ko baje - Yoruba expression meaning if it can[is] spoil[spoiling], I'm not bothered.
pls go to http://olukunle.blogspot.com to read more
28 September, 2009
24 September, 2009
Abiodun…the boy died: Who is to blame?Pt 4
Abiodun was lost in thought. He was sitting at the foot of the pedestrian bridge that was at Iyana Oworo with a rectangular board that held his petty wares which mainly consists of peppermint and chewing gums. How could life be so unfair he thought? Here he was at 17… Baba, e no get job…mama is pitiable…almost all his older siblings have deserted home in search of greener pastures…Could he continue living like this?
Is God cruel? How could he create some people to enjoy this life while he wallowed in poverty? How could he keep on running after cars trying to eke out a living? Add that to the daily harassment from KAI officials….hmmm…this life…
[the scampering of people around him jolted him back to consciousness...d shout of KAI!KAI!!KAI!! rented the air]
Abiodun paused, looked right and left…where should he run to?
He ran up the stairs with some others hoping that the KAI men would just grab some wares from the people that were unlucky to be caught under the bridge and then move on a bit farther and wait for the traders to come and bail out their wares.
Some of the KAI men crossed the expressway to the other side and blocked both exit of the pedestrian bridge. What was he going to do? The KAI men are now on both ends on top of the bridge. They started closing in and seizing people goods. Abiodun was confused. He wished he had Aferi* to ferry himself out of the booby trap on the bridge. Abiodun had never been trapped like that in his life. He was the only one whose goods had not been seized and the two KAI officials were closing in on him. No, they would kill me first, he thought to himself. A crazy thought formed in his head and he smiled wryly. He placed his free hand on the railings that bordered the bridge and crossed his legs over the railing. He was now standing at the edge of the bridge. Haa…e ma pa mi leni yi o**…Move any closer and I’ll jump, he said to the KAI men…the KAI men were confused. What should they do? Advance and Abiodun jumps from the bridge in front of oncoming vehicles and die or they retreat and lose face in front of the crowd that had started forming at the foot of the bridge watching the unfolding drama on top of the bridge…
What happened next?
The older of them told Abiodun to step back over the railing and that his goods will not be seized. As he made to do that, his slippers caught on the edge of the railing, the board which his petty wares was displayed tilted backward and in a bid to hold fast on to it, Abiodun jerked backwards and fell off the bridge landing on his head. The oncoming trailer simply grinded his skull and crushed his body.
*Aferi - juju that can make one disappear
**Yoruba expression meaning you will kill me today
For followers on facebook, go to http://olukunle.blogspot.com/ for the full story
Is God cruel? How could he create some people to enjoy this life while he wallowed in poverty? How could he keep on running after cars trying to eke out a living? Add that to the daily harassment from KAI officials….hmmm…this life…
[the scampering of people around him jolted him back to consciousness...d shout of KAI!KAI!!KAI!! rented the air]
Abiodun paused, looked right and left…where should he run to?
He ran up the stairs with some others hoping that the KAI men would just grab some wares from the people that were unlucky to be caught under the bridge and then move on a bit farther and wait for the traders to come and bail out their wares.
Some of the KAI men crossed the expressway to the other side and blocked both exit of the pedestrian bridge. What was he going to do? The KAI men are now on both ends on top of the bridge. They started closing in and seizing people goods. Abiodun was confused. He wished he had Aferi* to ferry himself out of the booby trap on the bridge. Abiodun had never been trapped like that in his life. He was the only one whose goods had not been seized and the two KAI officials were closing in on him. No, they would kill me first, he thought to himself. A crazy thought formed in his head and he smiled wryly. He placed his free hand on the railings that bordered the bridge and crossed his legs over the railing. He was now standing at the edge of the bridge. Haa…e ma pa mi leni yi o**…Move any closer and I’ll jump, he said to the KAI men…the KAI men were confused. What should they do? Advance and Abiodun jumps from the bridge in front of oncoming vehicles and die or they retreat and lose face in front of the crowd that had started forming at the foot of the bridge watching the unfolding drama on top of the bridge…
What happened next?
The older of them told Abiodun to step back over the railing and that his goods will not be seized. As he made to do that, his slippers caught on the edge of the railing, the board which his petty wares was displayed tilted backward and in a bid to hold fast on to it, Abiodun jerked backwards and fell off the bridge landing on his head. The oncoming trailer simply grinded his skull and crushed his body.
*Aferi - juju that can make one disappear
**Yoruba expression meaning you will kill me today
For followers on facebook, go to http://olukunle.blogspot.com/ for the full story
17 September, 2009
Random thot
In retrospect, Obasanjo's third term agenda doesn't seem to have been a bad idea afterall. Even though, it has been proven that some of those around him were corrupt, corrupt practices were not as brazen as this under his watch.
Everybody knows that Obasanjo doesnt have long term friends like that...methink that the anti-corruption war would have gone round to haunt his seemingly untouchable friends back then.
Yaradua was a mistake from the start. I was so surprised yesterday to find out that the new slang for a snail is now yaradua...Interesting...lol
Everybody knows that Obasanjo doesnt have long term friends like that...methink that the anti-corruption war would have gone round to haunt his seemingly untouchable friends back then.
Yaradua was a mistake from the start. I was so surprised yesterday to find out that the new slang for a snail is now yaradua...Interesting...lol
09 September, 2009
Bez Idakula

Bez Idakula is one fine musician with a quiet mien that conceals what he is capable of. You would be pardoned for thinking he is one “Ajebota” that is spoilt rotten.
Don’t be deceived. Behind that quiet disposition and glasses that you can’t catch him without, is a music genius.
I met Bez Idakula in passing a couple years ago at Covenant University. I heard him sing and play his guitar (crablike in those days) a couple of times.
There are a lot of wannabe artistes out there who shouldn’t go so close to a microphone talk less of singing (read bleating).
Anytime I see mediocre music /artistes being promoted, I always wonder when the real musicians like Bez would step out into the klieg light.
Now is Bez’s time. Please tune into Big Time on RHYTHM 93.7FM at 4PM today (September 9) to listen to Bez and the other contestants in the ongoing Hennessy Artistry Nigeria 2009 Competition.
If you are a lover of good music, don’t miss out. Be at Saipan Restaurant and bar, 9pm Thursday and 9pm Friday nite at Volar Club, VI(read fi-eye)...lol...Lagos to give all the support you can to Bez.
Bez has been nominated by the legendary Producer Cobhams Asuquo alongside four other contestants nominated by other producers in Nigeria.
Bez Idakula has paid his dues. He was the opening act alongside Cobhams at Asa’s Concert in Lagos, 2008. He has played alongside almost all the current heavyweights in the industry. He is one artiste that always churns out good quality music anytime he sings and plays his guitar. Expect him to leave you thirsting for more...For all its worth, take my word for it.
08 September, 2009
Who is to blame? Pt 3...[Captain Danjuma Maigeri (rtd), KAI Boss + The Olarogun’s Family]?
The scene is set in Captain Danjuma Maigeri (rtd) expansive office at Alausa. One wonders what the helmsman of the KAI is doing with such an expansive office when you are entering it for the first time.
Nigerians like big things and the higher you move in an organization/corporation, the bigger your office space becomes.
Captain Danjuma Maigeri (rtd) was lost in thought as well…
How could it have come to this?
We started well on a very good footing. Now, all the achievements we have recorded are being flooded away by our errant personnel. Where did we get it wrong? Is it in the expansion of the force or is it that we have not pay attention to the quality of the men and the women that we were recruiting? Hmmn…there was no way we could have avoided expanding. Our scope of operational reach had to be expanded for optimal effectiveness. Should I throw in the towel now? No o…the KAI Brigade is at a very low point…if I leave now, I will not be celebrated. I have to do something fast to redeem my image. What should I do o? How can I turn the psyche of this meat-and-soup cum cigarettes and ogogoro snatchers around to do what they are supposed to do effectively?
I have to convene a meeting of the Area Commanders as a first measure, brainstorm with them and then go all out to prosecute the war on errant Lagosians. Wait o…come to think of it, these people have to eat. With all this reports that my people raid roadside hawkers and release their goods to them less recharge cards and other quick disposables, how will they not be encouraged to keep on going back to the same place to trade? My personnel at Oshodi are even emboldened up to the point of collecting royalty from street vendors and hawkers. KAI!
I think I know what I have to do, wage a war on two fronts; get my men to go out more and then set up a taskforce to monitor their activities. I hope that works.
As if on cue, Bisi, Captain Danjuma Maigeri’s delectable secretary walks in bringing in a file. He tells her to convene a meeting of the Area Commanders for 10:00am the following morning.
The Olarogun’s Family
The Olarogun’s family is an interesting one. Pa Adeniyi is a retired civil servant whose last post was Head of Revenue Board. At the end of the month, he was getting three times his normal salary from extras he got from people trying to curry his favor. From that, he could afford to take extra wives and he at that time barred them from working. Unfortunately, his good times didn’t last long. All his fair-weather friends deserted him after his retirement because he couldn’t dole out cash again like before. Little by little, Pa Adeniyi couldn’t keep up with feeding his large family. The change in government effectively changed all the old guards at all State parastatals.
Now, Pa Adeniyi has four wives and a total of 17 children. His last two children, Risikat and Abiodun were the worst affected of all his children. They were not really fortunate to have a somewhat opulent upbringing like their older siblings. Now, Risikat tries to make ends meet by engaging in one of the oldest professions in the world while Abiodun sells peppermintand Recharge cards at Iyana Oworo, Ilaje Bariga.
Nigerians like big things and the higher you move in an organization/corporation, the bigger your office space becomes.
Captain Danjuma Maigeri (rtd) was lost in thought as well…
How could it have come to this?
We started well on a very good footing. Now, all the achievements we have recorded are being flooded away by our errant personnel. Where did we get it wrong? Is it in the expansion of the force or is it that we have not pay attention to the quality of the men and the women that we were recruiting? Hmmn…there was no way we could have avoided expanding. Our scope of operational reach had to be expanded for optimal effectiveness. Should I throw in the towel now? No o…the KAI Brigade is at a very low point…if I leave now, I will not be celebrated. I have to do something fast to redeem my image. What should I do o? How can I turn the psyche of this meat-and-soup cum cigarettes and ogogoro snatchers around to do what they are supposed to do effectively?
I have to convene a meeting of the Area Commanders as a first measure, brainstorm with them and then go all out to prosecute the war on errant Lagosians. Wait o…come to think of it, these people have to eat. With all this reports that my people raid roadside hawkers and release their goods to them less recharge cards and other quick disposables, how will they not be encouraged to keep on going back to the same place to trade? My personnel at Oshodi are even emboldened up to the point of collecting royalty from street vendors and hawkers. KAI!
I think I know what I have to do, wage a war on two fronts; get my men to go out more and then set up a taskforce to monitor their activities. I hope that works.
As if on cue, Bisi, Captain Danjuma Maigeri’s delectable secretary walks in bringing in a file. He tells her to convene a meeting of the Area Commanders for 10:00am the following morning.
The Olarogun’s Family
The Olarogun’s family is an interesting one. Pa Adeniyi is a retired civil servant whose last post was Head of Revenue Board. At the end of the month, he was getting three times his normal salary from extras he got from people trying to curry his favor. From that, he could afford to take extra wives and he at that time barred them from working. Unfortunately, his good times didn’t last long. All his fair-weather friends deserted him after his retirement because he couldn’t dole out cash again like before. Little by little, Pa Adeniyi couldn’t keep up with feeding his large family. The change in government effectively changed all the old guards at all State parastatals.
Now, Pa Adeniyi has four wives and a total of 17 children. His last two children, Risikat and Abiodun were the worst affected of all his children. They were not really fortunate to have a somewhat opulent upbringing like their older siblings. Now, Risikat tries to make ends meet by engaging in one of the oldest professions in the world while Abiodun sells peppermintand Recharge cards at Iyana Oworo, Ilaje Bariga.
07 September, 2009
Who is to blame? Pt 2...Babatunde Raji Fashola?
If you haven't read the Part 1...[http://olukunle.blogspot.com/2009/09/who-is-to-blame-pt-1umaru-yaradua.html#links]
At the same time that the President’s plane was descending, Gov. Fashola was sitting at his table at the Governors office, Alausa, deeply in thought. What should I do about the overbearing influence of Tinubu? People have said they really appreciate what I am doing but can I stand on my own politically without Tinubu’s support? I don’t want to have any confrontation with Tinubu. He has a lot of money and he is a seasoned politician. Who are those that can be considered as my henchmen when the chips are down? Have they not at one time or the other been part of the Tinubu machinery? See me o, as if there is another machinery in place in Lagos right now. I don’t think I have the might or the will to take on his well oiled-political machinery. Let’s assume that I even do, do I want to? Can I afford it? Will that not wreck me financially? I’m confused. Everywhere I go, people sing my praises. What exactly have I done? If only they know that I have not done much more than 20% of what I am supposed to have done? Even though they are singing my praises, there is still a lot more that can be done in terms of improving security, whipping KAI and LASTMA officials into shape. What is the next step that I should take to tackle those two agencies? Do I scrap them and build new agencies in their place? There are a lot of OND, HND and university graduates who can do a better job than the glorified Agberos, little educated personnel that the outfit currently parades. I’ll look for a way to increase their pay, give them better training and be on their neck to deliver. However, can the state afford the bill that will come with that? Severance pay for the personnel that will be laid off and finance for the new training facilities and all that…Will that not draw criticism from the civil society? Some really stupid people would start shouting that they’ve been doing a good job as if picking on harmless people on the street and exploiting them can be regarded as part of the good job they’re said to be doing.
The LCDA’s are now more of recruitment centers for thugs and miscreants. The ordinary okada men cannot ply the roads without one or two of them having a broken head or nose at the end of the day. If we revert to 20local government which is not fair and commensurate with what our counterpart states have in the north, there is no harm in that. Wait a min though…wont I be looked on as a weakling? This issue is way beyond me now and to give in to the Federal govt will be termed as a Northern Victory by some people. No o, I don’t see it as such but a very good way of reducing overhead cost and with proper coordination, we can achieve much more without having to create LCDA’s which are actually redundant. Who created the initial local governments? The concept has been wrong from the start. I think it should be scrapped/reorganized and by then, we can make our ministries much more effective in delivering dividends of democracy…that would require the constitution to be changed…I am tired…its like you approach a problem to tackle it and the more you approach it, the more dimensions you see about the problem and then people expect you to wave a magic wand and solve all their problems. How can I stop LASTMA/KAI and especially the police, yes the Police from receiving kickbacks from motorists and Agberos? If I can get them to stop thinking it is their natural right to collect kickbacks from these people, the others would follow suit. The report reaching me is that they are regarded as tin-gods and they don’t even pay bus fares. If a commercial bus-driver carries any uniformed personnel on board, that gives him a license to become a momentary King of the Road. The problem is that I don’t have direct control over them. They are subject to the Commissioner of Police who in turn is subject to the Inspector General of Police. A showdown is risky. What can I do to tackle them? Are they the only impoverished Nigerians? They and not anything else …haa not forgetting the PHCN, which is a story for another day. The Police Force is actually a source of headaches for most people in Lagos today. It’s not their fault too…if not for the bus drivers and operators who claim ignorance and just continue to give them money instead of calling their bluff and challenging them to do the real duty they are being paid for.
I’m tired, tired, tired. I just want to get over with this first term. Should I go for a second term or not? IF I don’t, I will be betraying the people of Lagos state who have faith in me. How will I explain that decision to them? Even sick Mr. President is going for a second term? If I don’t go for a second term, I will be looked on as a weakling. I am the true son of my father…chuckles…infact I am the reincarnation of my grandfather and I have been here long enough and I’ve acquired a lot of sense overtime. I am the man with the seven lives…Not one thousand Tinubus can stop me. I will continue to fight for the common man and deliver the dividends of democracy to the people of Lagos state.
At the same time that the President’s plane was descending, Gov. Fashola was sitting at his table at the Governors office, Alausa, deeply in thought. What should I do about the overbearing influence of Tinubu? People have said they really appreciate what I am doing but can I stand on my own politically without Tinubu’s support? I don’t want to have any confrontation with Tinubu. He has a lot of money and he is a seasoned politician. Who are those that can be considered as my henchmen when the chips are down? Have they not at one time or the other been part of the Tinubu machinery? See me o, as if there is another machinery in place in Lagos right now. I don’t think I have the might or the will to take on his well oiled-political machinery. Let’s assume that I even do, do I want to? Can I afford it? Will that not wreck me financially? I’m confused. Everywhere I go, people sing my praises. What exactly have I done? If only they know that I have not done much more than 20% of what I am supposed to have done? Even though they are singing my praises, there is still a lot more that can be done in terms of improving security, whipping KAI and LASTMA officials into shape. What is the next step that I should take to tackle those two agencies? Do I scrap them and build new agencies in their place? There are a lot of OND, HND and university graduates who can do a better job than the glorified Agberos, little educated personnel that the outfit currently parades. I’ll look for a way to increase their pay, give them better training and be on their neck to deliver. However, can the state afford the bill that will come with that? Severance pay for the personnel that will be laid off and finance for the new training facilities and all that…Will that not draw criticism from the civil society? Some really stupid people would start shouting that they’ve been doing a good job as if picking on harmless people on the street and exploiting them can be regarded as part of the good job they’re said to be doing.
The LCDA’s are now more of recruitment centers for thugs and miscreants. The ordinary okada men cannot ply the roads without one or two of them having a broken head or nose at the end of the day. If we revert to 20local government which is not fair and commensurate with what our counterpart states have in the north, there is no harm in that. Wait a min though…wont I be looked on as a weakling? This issue is way beyond me now and to give in to the Federal govt will be termed as a Northern Victory by some people. No o, I don’t see it as such but a very good way of reducing overhead cost and with proper coordination, we can achieve much more without having to create LCDA’s which are actually redundant. Who created the initial local governments? The concept has been wrong from the start. I think it should be scrapped/reorganized and by then, we can make our ministries much more effective in delivering dividends of democracy…that would require the constitution to be changed…I am tired…its like you approach a problem to tackle it and the more you approach it, the more dimensions you see about the problem and then people expect you to wave a magic wand and solve all their problems. How can I stop LASTMA/KAI and especially the police, yes the Police from receiving kickbacks from motorists and Agberos? If I can get them to stop thinking it is their natural right to collect kickbacks from these people, the others would follow suit. The report reaching me is that they are regarded as tin-gods and they don’t even pay bus fares. If a commercial bus-driver carries any uniformed personnel on board, that gives him a license to become a momentary King of the Road. The problem is that I don’t have direct control over them. They are subject to the Commissioner of Police who in turn is subject to the Inspector General of Police. A showdown is risky. What can I do to tackle them? Are they the only impoverished Nigerians? They and not anything else …haa not forgetting the PHCN, which is a story for another day. The Police Force is actually a source of headaches for most people in Lagos today. It’s not their fault too…if not for the bus drivers and operators who claim ignorance and just continue to give them money instead of calling their bluff and challenging them to do the real duty they are being paid for.
I’m tired, tired, tired. I just want to get over with this first term. Should I go for a second term or not? IF I don’t, I will be betraying the people of Lagos state who have faith in me. How will I explain that decision to them? Even sick Mr. President is going for a second term? If I don’t go for a second term, I will be looked on as a weakling. I am the true son of my father…chuckles…infact I am the reincarnation of my grandfather and I have been here long enough and I’ve acquired a lot of sense overtime. I am the man with the seven lives…Not one thousand Tinubus can stop me. I will continue to fight for the common man and deliver the dividends of democracy to the people of Lagos state.
Gani Fawehinmi[1938-2009], RIP
Two weeks ago, I was going to do a piece on the legendary Fidel Castro of Cuba. What has kept the man relevant after all these decades? Is he really a bad man, What would he be remembered for? What is his legacy?
I just wanted to learn as much as possible about the man before he passes on to the great beyond and people just start pushing a lot of data about him that will be difficult to sift through.
Then came the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim of Iraq. The deaths of those prominent people spurred me to learn all I can about Fidel Castro while I have the time. Who is going to be the next in line to go? Is it going to be Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Anthony Enahoro, Nelson Mandela or King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz?
I was wrong and totally off the mark. It was Chief Gani Fawehinmi SAM/SAN. Gani is gone, killed by the Nigerian state he lived his life for. If you think that statement is far-fetched, try and do a research into how Gani contracted Cancer of the lungs.
Gani. just like Jesus Christ, you have lived a life that will forever be remembered in the light of John 15 vs 13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
You have lived a good fight. Your contributions to the Nigerian Nation-building are well appreciated. Rest in Peace with this assurance, The fight continues...
For a detailed tribute to Gani Fawehinmi, please go to [http://nigeriaworld.com/feature/publication/ubochi/090609.html]
I just wanted to learn as much as possible about the man before he passes on to the great beyond and people just start pushing a lot of data about him that will be difficult to sift through.
Then came the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim of Iraq. The deaths of those prominent people spurred me to learn all I can about Fidel Castro while I have the time. Who is going to be the next in line to go? Is it going to be Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Anthony Enahoro, Nelson Mandela or King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz?
I was wrong and totally off the mark. It was Chief Gani Fawehinmi SAM/SAN. Gani is gone, killed by the Nigerian state he lived his life for. If you think that statement is far-fetched, try and do a research into how Gani contracted Cancer of the lungs.
Gani. just like Jesus Christ, you have lived a life that will forever be remembered in the light of John 15 vs 13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
You have lived a good fight. Your contributions to the Nigerian Nation-building are well appreciated. Rest in Peace with this assurance, The fight continues...
For a detailed tribute to Gani Fawehinmi, please go to [http://nigeriaworld.com/feature/publication/ubochi/090609.html]
04 September, 2009
Who is to blame? Pt 1...Umaru Yaradua?
I managed to write a short story in the faction genre. I hope you enjoy reading it. I am going to serialize it for your reading convenience.
Umaru Yardua, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
As the plane descended into the Nnamdi Azikwe Airport in Abuja, President Yaradua was lost in thought. He was barely aware of the happenings around him. If only the short ceremony at the Presidential wing of the Airport could be passed over. His aides and his wife had told him to go ahead with it. They told him that would quell rumors that he was sick and that keep his detractors quiet for a while. Any opportunity to be in the public eye should not be passed over, they had said.
How much longer can he continue to govern Nigeria like this, he thought. Even though, majority of Nigerians don’t know what ails me, they surely deserve better than this. I know myself. I could have done better than this if only I am not sick. Should I resign? I’m confused. If I resign, I have to constitutionally hand over power to the Vice-President, Goodluck Jonathan. My fellow northerners would brand me a traitor and a sellout. They want power to remain in the North for eight years. If I resign, power would just go to the South south…all those hypocrites…everybody is either a criminal or an accomplice. No, that is not even an option. I have to sit out the next two years and all this criticisms would just blow away. I am already the President; they can do nothing to me.
Should I seek a second term? People even see Turai as more of the President than I am. What if I set her up to run for the second term in my place? At least, that would keep the Presidency in the family and I can even create history by being the ‘first man’ in Nigeria. He chuckles. From being President to being first man. I’ve explored everything I met on the ground to at least provide power supply to the People. From reports reaching me, even the FCT has blackout these days. How would I be remembered? As Nigeria’s worst president or as a sick man who tried to rule Nigeria? Abeg…even if I don’t do much more, I can’t be as worse as Abacha in People’s perception.
I don try now. It is just that all these so-called activists would never see anything good in any of our initiatives and castigate all our moves. The 2011 elections are just around the corner. I will sit tight until like march next year. The Ramadan is here and Christmas is coming up soon afterwards and then the New Year rolls in, that’s enough activity to keep people busy, occupied and not have to worry about the seeming non-performance of this government. There is still enough time to achieve Vision 2020. If we can have our banks strengthened and have relative peace in the Niger Delta plus increase power output to around 6,000MW by the end of this year. Chei! That’s what we promised the people. Not to worry, if we don’t get up to 6,000MW, I never went on National TV to promise the people that. I’m tired of ruling Nigeria. Putting on the same plastic smile everyday and lying to my people. They just cant afford to know the truth.
As the plane touched the tarmac, the President was aroused into consciousness. He sighed…He looked out of the window and saw the tarmac. How much would it cost to make this airport have the feel of the King Abdul Aziz International Airport or the Frankfurt International Airport? Pull it and build another one? Of course, that would serve to rejuvenate the rebranding of the Indefatigable Minister of Information, Dora Akunyili but by then, people would start complaining that there are a lot of people living on less than a USD per day, kai…hypocrites, if only they spend more of that money they spend more on feeding those poor people they claim to be fighting for. Life would surely be better for those class of Nigerians. I have to be proactive on this issue. How can I make life better for those in the rural area but then that would be done at the detriment of those living in the city…kai! The wahala for this country, e too much for me…na superman go fit come solve am for us.
...to be continued
Umaru Yardua, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
As the plane descended into the Nnamdi Azikwe Airport in Abuja, President Yaradua was lost in thought. He was barely aware of the happenings around him. If only the short ceremony at the Presidential wing of the Airport could be passed over. His aides and his wife had told him to go ahead with it. They told him that would quell rumors that he was sick and that keep his detractors quiet for a while. Any opportunity to be in the public eye should not be passed over, they had said.
How much longer can he continue to govern Nigeria like this, he thought. Even though, majority of Nigerians don’t know what ails me, they surely deserve better than this. I know myself. I could have done better than this if only I am not sick. Should I resign? I’m confused. If I resign, I have to constitutionally hand over power to the Vice-President, Goodluck Jonathan. My fellow northerners would brand me a traitor and a sellout. They want power to remain in the North for eight years. If I resign, power would just go to the South south…all those hypocrites…everybody is either a criminal or an accomplice. No, that is not even an option. I have to sit out the next two years and all this criticisms would just blow away. I am already the President; they can do nothing to me.
Should I seek a second term? People even see Turai as more of the President than I am. What if I set her up to run for the second term in my place? At least, that would keep the Presidency in the family and I can even create history by being the ‘first man’ in Nigeria. He chuckles. From being President to being first man. I’ve explored everything I met on the ground to at least provide power supply to the People. From reports reaching me, even the FCT has blackout these days. How would I be remembered? As Nigeria’s worst president or as a sick man who tried to rule Nigeria? Abeg…even if I don’t do much more, I can’t be as worse as Abacha in People’s perception.
I don try now. It is just that all these so-called activists would never see anything good in any of our initiatives and castigate all our moves. The 2011 elections are just around the corner. I will sit tight until like march next year. The Ramadan is here and Christmas is coming up soon afterwards and then the New Year rolls in, that’s enough activity to keep people busy, occupied and not have to worry about the seeming non-performance of this government. There is still enough time to achieve Vision 2020. If we can have our banks strengthened and have relative peace in the Niger Delta plus increase power output to around 6,000MW by the end of this year. Chei! That’s what we promised the people. Not to worry, if we don’t get up to 6,000MW, I never went on National TV to promise the people that. I’m tired of ruling Nigeria. Putting on the same plastic smile everyday and lying to my people. They just cant afford to know the truth.
As the plane touched the tarmac, the President was aroused into consciousness. He sighed…He looked out of the window and saw the tarmac. How much would it cost to make this airport have the feel of the King Abdul Aziz International Airport or the Frankfurt International Airport? Pull it and build another one? Of course, that would serve to rejuvenate the rebranding of the Indefatigable Minister of Information, Dora Akunyili but by then, people would start complaining that there are a lot of people living on less than a USD per day, kai…hypocrites, if only they spend more of that money they spend more on feeding those poor people they claim to be fighting for. Life would surely be better for those class of Nigerians. I have to be proactive on this issue. How can I make life better for those in the rural area but then that would be done at the detriment of those living in the city…kai! The wahala for this country, e too much for me…na superman go fit come solve am for us.
...to be continued
01 September, 2009
Dunno why the title is 'Y' but i guess i've been bitten by the crazy bug that Lagos is infested with. I really wish i can be walking around and be able to record my experiences on the streets in and out of lagos and at work. No day has gone by in Lagos without me seeing something out of the ordinary in Fashola's paradise.
Okay...have a feel...on the way to Ota last sunday evening at Abule Egba, i saw this man in white Agbada come down from a Toyota Corolla[2008], got down from the car in the middle of the road[traffic] and started urinating on the culvert in the full glare of everybody,policemen, commuters stuck in traffic and the salespeople there...lol
Okay, you've seen that before, try this...have u seen someone give birth on a public bus?
The constant subject of Okadamen and other hapless Nigerians by security operatives[thugs in uniforms] leaves much to be desired....
I have seen uniformed men throwing blows at Obalende...
Lets brainstorm on something...It is an idea that I picked up somewhere. Instead of the hollow vision 2020 of the Nigerian Government[more on this later], can we drive development through a much improved vision of hosting the World on Nigerian soil in the year 2006 by hosting the World Cup?
The South Africans can testify to the level of development that their country's public infrastructure has undergone in preparation for the World Cup 2010.
Can we make it happen in Nigeria?
Okay...have a feel...on the way to Ota last sunday evening at Abule Egba, i saw this man in white Agbada come down from a Toyota Corolla[2008], got down from the car in the middle of the road[traffic] and started urinating on the culvert in the full glare of everybody,policemen, commuters stuck in traffic and the salespeople there...lol
Okay, you've seen that before, try this...have u seen someone give birth on a public bus?
The constant subject of Okadamen and other hapless Nigerians by security operatives[thugs in uniforms] leaves much to be desired....
I have seen uniformed men throwing blows at Obalende...
Lets brainstorm on something...It is an idea that I picked up somewhere. Instead of the hollow vision 2020 of the Nigerian Government[more on this later], can we drive development through a much improved vision of hosting the World on Nigerian soil in the year 2006 by hosting the World Cup?
The South Africans can testify to the level of development that their country's public infrastructure has undergone in preparation for the World Cup 2010.
Can we make it happen in Nigeria?
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