27 June, 2008

UK embassy denies Lagos lawmakers visa

What message were they trying to pass across?

I think the British High Commission needs to tell us the details of what actually led to the refusal of Entry Clearances for our esteemed lawmakers to attend a one-week workshop aimed at sharpening their legislative skills and oversight responsibilities [Ki la won na n wa kiri?].

If our lawmakers[public officers, who have been trusted to create laws to maintain peace and order are not spared the the indignity of being refused entry clearances, what hope do ordinary mortals like us have at the hands of the Entry Clearance Officer?

Is it a form of protesting against the high cost of diesel fuel used to generate power in the absence of regular power supply for their operations or the fact that their members of staff cannot go round Lagos safely or any of the Niger Delta States without fear of abduction?

Is their action precipated on the fact that we are still a long way off from being the Giant of Africa, an ordinary title we tag ourselves with to suit our ego without a value in terms of economic might, continental influence, etc.

The sins of their slave-fathers should not in anyway be visited on their sons and daughters.

It hasn’t been proved that it was solely the sweat of my slave ancestors that developed the infrastructural Development the UK is enjoying today.

A vast majority of Nigerians speak English, live English and are English-oriented.

Our way of life is indirectly influenced by the English Culture because we speak the language. Studies abound which shows that a language and its culture go hand-in-hand.

However, we have allowed ourselves to be tagged 419’ers[advanced fee fraudsters].

Our young men and women have not helped matters having bought into the ‘yahoozze’ culture which has been a proven and tested way of making money.

Applying for a visa to enter any country under any guise subtly points to the imbalance of this world in terms of Racial Perception and Economic strength despite claims by modern day economists that the world is now a Global Village with a level Playing Ground for each and every citizen of this world.

What can be further from the truth?

The world that I know as of today is a cruel one, which reduces the value of a man into U.S. Dollars/the Pounds Sterling and the worth and ideals of a woman into the partition between her thighs.

I refuse to hold any white man or woman responsible for the plight of the African Continent.

Though they contributed largely to its origin, the resources at the disposal of the Continent plus the gains from trade which have been squandered or embezzelled outrightly have been more than enough to right the wrongs of the 19th/20th Century.

Back to the main discource of this writing, I think the British High Commission should have explored other options to correct the anomalies that might have trailed the application of our lawmakers instead of subjecting them to the riducule of the denial of Entry Clearances.


*Ki la won na n wa kiri?: What is it they[lawmakers] are looking for?

19 June, 2008

finally...I get to update...

rite nw...I dont even know where to start from...start somewhere...yeah, rite.

All school children have been told at one time or the other to always revise whatever they have been taught in class and not wait until the exam period before picking up their books...
Alas! I didnt pick up my books to study on time, flunked my middterms not because I liked the failure staring at me in the face but because I had devoted my time to something I considered very important: the welfare of my fellow Nigerians and image of my country, Nigeria.

The Kibris Police is in everyway like the Nigerian Police Force...unprofessional, uncouth and operating with impunity.

They were the genesis of my problems this past semester.

From the onset, I planned to have a semester where things that should go right would go right, delegating authority to people like Felicia, Tunde, James, Harun, etc. who were capable of carrying out assigned tasks and using their own initiative to do what they know is right...

I laid back to enjoy the free time I started getting for myself...

An attack on an Iranian girl on the unlit way to the girls dormitory caused the police to go and arrest close to 40people...still can't figure out why they could blantantly show their hatred for black people openly like that...

Anyway, things shouldn't get out of hand...whiltst having meetings with the top echelon of the university, the international students Union Stakeholders and the Nigerian students...my studies suffered and the only thing that kept me going was the sense of belonging everybody showed in the Association and the greater good being achieved.

Needless to say again, I flunked my middterms asides DBM II where I scored 90%[Residual knowledge from the previous semester]...I went to the exam hall 10mins late cos I knew I wasn't ready to take on the exam just yet...

To cut the long story short, the NSA Presidential Elections were just around the corner and unlike the sham of the Presidential elections in Nigeria last year, I had to work to surpass the transparency of the Elections that brought me into power last year.

The elections were almost marred by the Graduate students claiming not to have any representative on the Election Organising Committe...my bad, as I thought I had set up an all-encompassing Committe to take charge of the Elections...

1. James Agbabune [Chairman]
2. Henry Anarodo
3. Peace Chibogu
4. Moses Jiya
5. Rhoda Olaoye

I would like to reiterate the appreciation of the entire Nigerian Student Body to the five afore-mentioned people for conducting a free, fair and credible election.

O my God! Final exams were days away...I haven't studied anything at all but I must pass.....Thus began the sleepless nights to try to cover up and post a good enough result that will not make mama cross with me, and still keep alive the hope of getting High Honors...
I pitied myself after a while...I became scarce on campus, I cut my sleeping hrs from 5hrs to 2hrs and underwent some stress I wouldn't wish to go through again...

To God be the Glory...I posted a good enough result that still placed me at the 'bebe' of a High Honors and still one of the best in my class...

My H.O.D, Terrin Adali who has the reputation of being a B... awarded me two straight A's[beat that!] in the two courses I took with her...

I got my result and I literally flew out of the Admin Building cos It was much more than what I was expecting...

The 'many many waka' and the stress finally paid off glowinly in the academics as well...